Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Arch Nemesis

As you all know in Spiderman 3 I had three enemies and they all had one thing in common a grudge against me but my main arch foe is venom. Venom is actually Eddie Brock with the symbiote taken over him. The symbiote has full control over him and he does not know what he is doing. Another reason venom has a grudge against me is because when Jonah Jameson had a choice to pick one photographer out of me and Eddie he chose me since then Eddie has been trying to prove himself to Jonah Jameson that he is a better photographer than me.

Venom also has the ability to web swing but it is a sort of a goey substance that he swings on.It's not really web. Venom is quite strong and was very difficult to defeat for me especially when sandman wasn't leaving me alone to but without Harry's help I wouldn't have defeated venom. Overall I think that Venom is a very evil demented super villain.

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